Discover How to turn your talent into strength, start generating income, leverage
your business either starting or scaling it in 9-weeks
Stop struggling, limit the risks, enjoy success, and support your family
You are taking the right step to start/ expand your business
What you'll get:
- 9-live virtual weekly modules with me personally 60 to 90 minutes.
- Workbooks and exercises for each module.
- Ability to email homework every week to be looked at and receive comments.
- A supporting tribe community with like-minded entrepreneurs that cheer for your success and will support you when needed in a PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE FACEBOOK group (by invite only).
- Active interaction in the Facebook group either by me or by our administrators.
- Will host business experts in LIVE sessions in the Facebook group to help you develop better skills.
- Ability to schedule one on one coaching if needed for 30 minutes with me to keep you on track.
- You will get a digital copy of my best seller book “49 things about entrepreneurship- that gurus do not want you to know”.
- FREE bonuses valued at 4179.00
Disclaimer: As any other program, results will vary based on the commitment and the amount of work you out in the program